Sunday 1 May 2011

Extra Cirricular Activities

It's been a wonderfully busy week at the Schoolhouse. We've been fixing toilets and lights, connecting internet (half way there), gardening, painting and endulging in live music in the Chapel.

Studio residents have been moving in and work has started happening. Elizabeth painted some little house blocks in ready for the Show + Tell. There will be open studios on the day. You can come and meet Elizabeth's etching press because 2 and 3pm. 

It was Otis's first birthday party in the Chapel today and Alice made this beautiful cake...

The Garden Club met for a huge working bee today. Marina, Sarah, Emma, Elizabeth, Matt, Alice and Joe shovelled soil and planted seedlings and things from our gardens that weren't doing so well in our inner city shaded gardens. Here we have so much space and sun, it is so very exciting!

The Garden Club are looking for some more mulch, manure, top soil etc for the garden if anyone has any spare dirt lying around... get in touch!

Matt started on the chicken coupe today. We are hoping to adopt 5 hens. We are thinking of starting an 'Adopt a Hen' program where you can buy a hen and have the privelige of naming the lady... watch this space!

This rhubarb from Mitra's garden will thrive here.

Some interested onlookers!

Surveying the progress...

Hard at work Emma!

1 comment:

  1. total babes! if anyone out there would like to come down and garden send us your email or come down of a sunday. any plants, seedlings, seeds, green thumbs or top soil will gratefuly met and willingly incorporated into this ever expanding city orchard
